How HandsetExpert Works

We don't run ads on the site, or charge users to use the site. The site is funded using commission links, where we may receive a commission if a phone or tariff is purchased via HandsetExpert. Our editorial, phone scoring and recommendation system and deal-finding algorithms are not affected by this; we are fiercely committed to providing unbiased, independent information.

How do we find and order the deals?

Our unique comparison engine is designed to help you find the lowest cost deals and offers from mobile networks and retailers in the UK by providing clear, simple information showing how much you’ll end up paying for your phone and tariff.

When it comes to pricing, we always show you:

As part of our commitment to finding the best prices for you, we always order our deals by Total Cost of Ownership from lowest to highest, so you will always see the lowest cost you can pay over the length of the contract first. In situations where several tariffs have the same Total Cost of Ownership, we rate deals with more minutes and data over those with less. Deals with equal costs, inclusive minutes and data would then be ordered so that deals with perks like cashback and free gifts come ahead of deals without.

Important notes

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